
What is EOQ(Economic order quantity)?

Economic order quantity (EOQ) is the order quantity of inventory that minimizes the total cost of inventory management . Two most important categories of inventory costs are ordering costs and carrying costs.  Ordering costs are costs that are incurred on obtaining additional inventories. They include costs incurred on communicating the order, transportation cost, etc. Carrying costs represent the costs incurred on holding inventory in hand. They include the opportunity cost of money held up in inventories, storage costs, spoilage costs, etc. Ordering costs and carrying costs are quite opposite to each other. If we need to minimize carrying costs we have to place small order which increases the ordering costs. If we want minimize our ordering costs we have to place few orders in a year and this requires placing large orders which in turn increases the total carrying costs for the period. We need to minimize the total inventory costs and EOQ model helps us just do tha

Basic problem of an economy

What is an Economy? Every individual of the society, to earn his livelihood, is engaged in earning in one way or the other. All are indulge in different occupation. Some earn their livelihood by doing service, some by running busines, some by teaching and others by cultivating the land, still others by plying autorickshaw or by running a tea stall. In this way, the entire working population of a country is occupied, produces goods and services. In return, it gets reward or income which provides living. It is by this income that people satisfy their different wants. Accourdingly, economy of a country includes the entire population engaged in agriculture, forestry, mines, business, schools, colleges, cinema houses, offices, banks, hospitals, roads, canals, railways etc. , with a view to earning living to satisfy its wants. Such an economy may pertain to a village, town , country or the world as a whole. Briefly, as said by A.J.Brown , " economy is a system by which people of an a

What is Contract?

According to the section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act 1872, " An agreement enforceable by law is a contract." In order to understand it deeply we shall have to understand what agreement is first because it is created before an agreement takes place between the parties. AGREEMENT - According to section 2(e) of the Act, the term "Agreement" is defined as " Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other" section 2(b) defines promise as " When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. Proposal when accepted, becomes a promise." As a conclusion we say that , an agreement is the result of the proposal made by one party to the other party and that party gives his acceptance thereto. A greement               =                O ffer / P roposal          +              A cceptance For an offer to be said as Agreement , acceptance i

CA-CPT Syllabus

Common Proficiency Test: Students who wish to pursue Chartered Accountancy Course can register for the CPC(Common proficiency course) after passing 10th examination and they can appear in the CPT either on appearing or passing 10=2 examination. Students who wish to pursue the next step of CA course are required to qualify CPT as well as 10=2 or its equivalent examination. It is just an entry level test for Chartered Accountancy course, which is held twice in a year in June and December for registered students of common proficiency course. It is a test of four subjects viz, Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude with an objective to test basic knowledge in these subject areas. This test is for 200 marks and is divided into two sessions of two hours each with a break in between. CPT is a test where question are of objective and each question carries 1 marks and even a wrong answer declines 0.25 marks which means there is negative marking so students

What Is Voyage Accounting ? Learn Online With YLM

shipping companies, to know, profit or loss made by its each specified voyage, prepare an account periodically which is called "Voyage Account" It indicates the result of a ship voyage. It is prepared like profit and loss account. Both outward and return journey.    Debit side of voyage  Bunker cost- it refers to the place where fuel is kept. These days ships are driven by diesal oil. Whatever is used during the period voyage are recorded in the debit side of voyage account.  Port Charges- port is used by the shipping companies for loading and unloading of goods and packing the ship, hence the charges paid for these purposes are known as port charges.  Depreciation- it is calculated for the period of voyage.  Insurance- like depreciation it is also calculated for the period of voyage. Eg. when insurance premium is 24000/- per annum and voyage period is 2 months, the premium to be shown in the particular voyage account will be calulated as- 24000x2/12=